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<% ' # THE FOLLOWING BLOCK IS USED TO RETRIEVE AND DISPLAY LINK INFORMATION. ' # PLACE THIS ENTIRE BLOCK IN THE AREA YOU WANT THE DATA TO BE DISPLAYED. ' # Dimensioning variables - DO NOT MODIFY! Dim UserKey Dim ThisPage Dim CategoryColumns Dim LinksPerPage Dim OpenInNewWindow Dim PostingString Dim PassedQuery Dim AllowSearch Dim ErrorString Dim ResultString ' # // Finished dimensioning variables. ' # MODIFY THE VARIABLES BELOW: ' # Enter your user key below (provided to you by UserKey = "11495352006-3SMCM1N284" ' # The following variable defines how many columns are used to display categories CategoryColumns = 2 ' # The following variable defines how many links to display per page LinksPerPage = 25 ' # The following variable defines whether links are opened in a new window ' # (1 = Yes, 0 = No) OpenInNewWindow = 1 ' # The following variable determines whether the search function is enabled ' # for your links page (1 = Yes, 0 = No) AllowSearch = 1 ' # DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING IN THIS BLOCK!! ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' # The following variable is sent to the LinksMaster server in order to ' # generate working links on your page: ThisPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") ' # Generate the data to post to the server PostingString = "UserKey=" & UserKey PostingString = PostingString & "&ScriptName=" & ThisPage PostingString = PostingString & "&CatCols=" & CategoryColumns PostingString = PostingString & "&LinksPerPage=" & LinksPerPage PostingString = PostingString & "&OpenInNewWindow=" & OpenInNewWindow PostingString = PostingString & "&AllowSearch=" & AllowSearch ' # pass through any querystring data to LinksMaster to allow paging PassedQuery = Request.QueryString ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If GetLinksMasterData(PassedQuery, PostingString, ResultString, ErrorString) Then Response.Write ResultString Else ' here we are just dumping error info to the page. You can clean this up to ' fit your site Response.Write ErrorString End If Function GetLinksMasterData(strQuery, strPost, ByRef strResponse, ByRef strError) Dim hObj Dim ComponentString Set hObj = Nothing On Error Resume Next Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf On Error Resume Next If hObj Is Nothing Then Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5") ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf End If On Error Resume Next If hObj Is Nothing Then If TryMSXML(strQuery, strPost, strResponse, strError) Then ' the MSXML function will return the data GetLinksMasterData = True Else ' we don't need to supply error information, since the error string ' is passed ByRef, the MSXML function will supply the data GetLinksMasterData = False End If Else hObj.Open "POST", "" & strQuery, False hObj.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" hObj.Send strPost If hObj.Status <> 200 Then strError = "Error: Status=" & hObj.Status & " Text=" & hObj.ResponseText GetLinksMasterData = False Else strResponse = ComponentString & hObj.responseText GetLinksMasterData = True End If End If End Function Function TryMSXML(strQuery, strPost, ByRef strResponse, ByRef strError) Dim hObj Set hObj = Nothing ' let's see if the server supports the XMLHTTP component, various versions On Error Resume Next Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf On Error Resume Next If hObj Is Nothing Then Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0") ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf End If On Error Resume Next If hObj Is Nothing Then Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf End If On Error Resume Next If hObj Is Nothing Then strError = "No support for HTTP requests found." TryMSXML = False Else ' # Open connection to server, sending the UserKey information via POST ' # Also, pass through the querystring information (contains category, link information) "POST", "" & strQuery, false hObj.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" hObj.Send strPost If hObj.status <> 200 Then ' # error! strError = "Error: Status=" & hObj.status & " Text='" & hObj.responseText & "'" TryMSXML = False Else ' # We should have received the links information from the server, ' # the following line will return the data by reference: strResponse = ComponentString & hObj.responseText TryMSXML = True End If Set hObj = Nothing End If End Function ' # //FINSIHED LinksMaster.COM SCRIPT BLOCK %>